When it is time to sell your home, there are many details to attend to and you need to make the house look its best. The work starts well before the sign goes up in the yard. To make the process go more smoothly, order a pre-listing home inspection before the property hits the market.

Boost Confidence in Your Home with a Pre-Listing Inspection

When you understand the condition of your property, you’ll have more confidence in its value and your asking price. Without a pre-listing inspection, you may be concerned about any surprises the buyer’s inspection will find. A pre-listing report will reassure you, your real estate agent, and the buyers about the condition of the home.

Making Repairs

An inspection report can be your guide to getting ready for the sale. The report will list any issues and you can decide whether to make repairs or list the home as-is. If you choose to handle some of the repairs yourself, you can likely save money. You’ll also be able to take care of repair work on your own time and choose the contractor you prefer.

If you wait to make repairs until after you have accepted an offer, deadlines will have to be met as stated in the contract. You will have fewer options for contractors and you may find the repairs are more expensive when you need to have them completed quickly.

A Pre-Listing Home Inspection Helps You Choose a Fair Price

Everyone wants top dollar for their property, and that all begins with accurate pricing. An inspection helps you fine-tune the numbers. You can use the data in a variety of ways. If you found some defects in the house that you do not want to correct, inform the potential buyers of the issues and adjust the sale price accordingly.

You might choose to make repairs and provide the original inspection report along with work orders and receipts to the buyer to show the work was completed. When you have an inspection report that shows the house is in great shape, you can ask for full market value and you’ll have the documentation to back up your asking price.

Assure Buyers

Homebuyers are cautious about making offers when there are unknowns. There is a lot of uncertainty from their standpoint and they want to make sure they are making a smart investment. You’ll assure buyers by offering your inspection report for review. The information in the report will ease concerns and help the buyer to see you as a trustworthy seller.

The Benefits of a Pre-listing Inspection Include a Faster and Easier Transaction

The benefits of a pre-listing inspection carry over into negotiations as well. Because the other party has the information in the inspection report, they can make an offer based on the actual condition of the property. This often reduces the length of time spent negotiating the sale. Although no real estate deal is without its ups and downs, ordering a pre-listing report helps to reduce stress, saves you time and money, and you may close on the sale more quickly.

Legacy Property Inspections provides home inspections to customers in Southeast Georgia. Contact us to request our services.