You won’t know the true condition of a home after a walk-through with your real estate agent. Most homes have some defects, and you can handle any minor problems after closing. However, major issues like roof leaks or foundation problems are dangerous and expensive. Before you purchase a home, let’s look at some important reasons to order a home inspection.

Order a Home Inspection to Understand Your Investment

Depending on the size of the home, you’ll pay between $300 and $800 for a professional inspection. This isn’t much when you consider the amount of money you will be investing in the property. Whether the inspection uncovers small issues or significant damage, you’ll better understand the condition of your investment. Some problems might cost thousands of dollars in repairs, and it’s better to find out about them before closing.

Provide an Option to Walk Away

A detailed home inspection provides you with an out if you’ve made the deal contingent on the inspector’s findings. The report may reveal clear reasons to walk away from the sale instead of working on negotiations with the seller.

Generally, you don’t want to buy a house with major systems nearing the end of their life expectancy. You can expect high repair or replacement bills within a few short months if the AC unit, furnace, or water heater are on their last legs.

If the inspection uncovers serious roofing or foundation defects, you will have the information to decide if you want to follow through with the sale. If you move forward with the purchase, the inspection report provides excellent leverage during negotiations.

Homebuyers need a home inspection to make a well-informed decision of whether to buy the house or walk away.

Discover Safety Problems When You Order a Home Inspection

You won’t usually know if a property suffers from a mold problem, wiring issues, or radon dangers without a home inspector’s services. These issues affect the safety of the home and your family. Your home inspector will do a thorough examination of all aspects of the house and detail any safety concerns in the inspection report.

A Home Inspection Will Find Structural Issues

Structural issues with the home may not be obvious when you tour the house, though you might see evidence of cracks in the ceilings or walls. Structural problems can be caused by the house settling, flood damage, or poor workmanship during the original construction.

As the buyer, you’ll want to know about any issues with the structure of the home so you can make a knowledgeable decision about your purchase.

Learn Maintenance Information

A home inspection report will list problems and safety concerns with the property and you’ll learn about maintenance that should be completed. If you choose to purchase the house, this information will come in handy when budgeting for future upgrades, repairs, and home maintenance projects.

Legacy Property Inspections provides home inspections to customers in Southeast Georgia. Contact us to request our services.