Keeping your home and loved ones safe is a top priority for all homeowners. Implementing the right security measures can help protect your home and give you peace of mind every night when you go to bed. Here are 8 top tips to improve home security.

1. Make Your Home Look Occupied to Improve Home Security

Burglars often go for homes that look unoccupied. By simply making it seem like somebody is home, you can deter criminals from even attempting to break in. Make it seem like someone is home by simply automating some of the lights in and around your home. Install smart lights so you can control and automate them from your phone.

2. Motion Sensor Lighting

Motion sensor lighting is another great way to improve home security. These kinds of lights turn on automatically whenever it senses motion. In addition to keeping you safe, motion sensor lights can also save you money on your energy bill every month.

3. Improve Home Security With Additional Locks

Don’t rely on the standard lock that comes with your door. Most of these locks will break with a heavy kick and should be reinforced to keep your home safe. You can replace your lock with a heavier deadbolt lock or add a secondary lock to give your front door an extra level of security.

4. Cloud-Based Camera System

Cameras are one of the most effective ways to keep your home safe. Visible cameras can deter criminals from even trying to enter your home. When deciding on a camera system, always opt for a cloud-based system that will enable you to view your home’s cameras from your phone, tablet, or computer.

5. Lock Windows to Improve Home Security

Windows are often the most vulnerable parts of the home. To give your windows added security, install screens and locks on every window. This can help prevent criminals from entering through your windows.

6. Don’t Hide a Key

While keeping a spare key hidden nearby can be convenient, it is not very safe. This is something burglars will look for to easily enter your home. If you want to have a spare key, keep it in a hidden lockbox so that only you have access to it with a code. Additionally, you can leave a key with a trusted neighbor for emergencies if you find yourself locked out.

7. Install a Small Safe for Valuables

Another way to improve home security is to keep your valuables out of sight. Leaving out items like your phone or wallet can encourage burglars to break into your home. Store jewelry and other valuables in a small safe. Keep this safe hidden in your bedroom and out of sight for extra security.

8. Join a Neighborhood Watch

A neighborhood watch is an effective way to deter criminals in the area. Joining one of these communities can help keep the entire area safe. If your area does not already have one of these groups, start one yourself.

Legacy Property Inspections offers home inspection services to Southeast Georgia. Contact us to schedule an appointment.